Friday, May 20, 2011

Module 6: Diversity and Globalism

An article written in 1997, WOW, fast forward 14 years later and we still are experiencing the setbacks of equitable access for all students.
As stated in the article as well as Soloways podcast leveling the playing field for all students is a vital component to our educational system. I whole heartedly agree with Dr. Soloway in that money for support and allocating of funds appropriately is the key to success but unfortunately this is not the case.
As an instructional technologist I would advocate for the use of free software that is available for all students in every classroom. Exposure to non traditional roles at an early age will help with gender issues. Perhaps more time not only working with the teachers but the students as well and introducing them to current  issues not only stateside but globally to help with understanding cultural differences and socioeconomic sensitivity.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Module 5: Red Queens and Increasing Returns

Orginally, I did an online search for Philip K. Dick and found the official website, that refers to his books and those that were made into films. I wanted to watch the video on demand only because in my opinion it is easier and faster, especially now being I am in the transition of moving. Except to my surprise I found the price to be much higher that what I expected. So, I went to plan b which was a trip to my local Blockbuster store where I found the movie Next, which I had seen before but chose to watch again with a new mind, one of an instuctional technologist.
In speaking of David Thornburg's force of Increasing Returns it is possible that on demand video is driving out video stores, but not all. The prices are equivelant  but the accessibility of on demand keeps the competetion going.
It is a a slow process and I am undecided if one has significant strength than the other. It could possible be a Red Queen in that DVD rentals and on demand video, that with the availability of Netflix, Blockbuster online as well as others are driving down DVD sales as well. Both of these forces is as Thornburg states are examples of technological determinism where "technology is a force in its own right that evolves at its own pace".
According to McLuhans tetrad which could be consiered an evolution process in its own right, I believe DVD's are being obsoleted while on demand video is being enhanced and are at different places on this tetrad.


Thornburg, D. (2008c). Red Queens, butterflies, and strange attractors: Imperfect lenses into emergent technologies. Lake Barrington, IL: Thornburg Center for Space Exploration.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Module 4: Second Life

Start Exploring
Meet People
Go Shopping
Get Settled
Be Creative
Make Money
Education & Enterprise

Second Life is a disruptive technology because as Thornburg discussed it came onto the market with more beneficial qualities that obseleted other technologies had. One that immediately comes to mind is Sims City, a virtual world that was created by the user but recently has not been heard of.

I believe Second Life will continue to grow in the business and educator sectors but do not think 5-10 years from now it will be used for individual socializing as it is now used for. Although, Philip Rosendale, the creator of Second Life states it is a world much like Space where you can create your own identity and make anything possible. I still feel like it is fantasy and although it is a "social space" there will be fall outs. You can connect with people but you still are in reality sitting alone. I can see tremendous benefits for use in k-12 education. I wouldn't be surprised if virtual schools replaced traditional schools in the future. Here is one site where Second Life was used in a Middle school. Review the powerpoint presentation it is real look at what worked and what didn't work.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Module 3: Rhymes of History

The technology I chose to discuss this week is the automobile engine. In the 1800s there was the steam engine that later progressed into an electric engine, then a gasoline powered engine was developed along with a diesel engine and now a hybrid. An automobile engine is one of those things that have been improved upon over the years. The progression of the engine included the design of the internal combustion engine, developments such as alternators replacing generators, the design of catalytic converters and fuel injection, as well as carburetors with emissions. Decade after decade this piece of machinery has been fine tuned and improved upon. In 2011, there are multiple computers in automobiles and there is more emphasis on fuel efficiency and emissions which has called for car manufacturers to roll out hybrids and electric vehicles. It seems this technology is an example of Rhymes of History as Thornburg discusses. A retrieval of the past that has transformed over time.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Module 2: Tetrad

Overhead projector replaced by lcd projectors

Overhead Projector
Enhances- A new way to share information with the class as a whole.
Obseletes- Teacher creating handouts.
Retrieves- The episcope of the early 1900's.
Reverses- A way to use technology as a learning tool.

LCD Projector
Enhances- More portable method of showing images on a screen.
Obseletes- Overhead projector and use of transparencies.
Retrieves- Slide projection of the 1940's.
Reverses- Holographic image projection.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Module 1

For your Blog Posting, you will play the role of a futurist and provide another technology example for Dr. Thornburg’s article.
Utilizing Thornburg’s format, respond to the following:
•Identify a current technology that has emerged in the last few years that shapes learning or productivity in your industry.

The Smart Phone such as the Motorola Blackberry has been issued to administrators and county personnel. The idea of having certain individuals having a Blackberry is for easier and immediate access to information, e-mail etc. on and off campus. The productivity level is assummed to go up. You no longer need to be connected to the server at the school site or on campus to conduct school business. The mobile phones include a calendar, gps, phonebook, notepad accessories as well as numurous mobile applications for download.

What problems or challenges have been associated with this technology?
The problem I see with the technology is that the individuals who have been issued the Blackberry's are expected to be reachable 24/7. The user must be comfortable with mobile technology in order to reep the benefits of the smartphone, which could lead to frustration. The software on these devices require downloads for latest versions which could be inconvienant as well as time consuming. There have been known gliches with software which could cost time= money. Contacting the Blackberry technology support is time consuming and frustrating to some users. If the phone needs to be fixed for some reason, the parts are costly. They do offer an online forum for each model phone with a variety of issues.

•What societal need does it meet, and what are its benefits?
The Blackberry or any smartphone mobile device is the 21st century's cellphone. Not only do higher ups, administrators etc have these for professional use but personal use as well. Most recent cell phone technology that you hear about is the smartphone or android platform. A mini mobile computer plus so much more meets today's fast paced world in which businesses and families are seperated by not only hours but time zones.

•What would make this technology even better, avoiding the pitfalls you identified?
With technology as in humans, there is no such thing as perfection. You will always encounter some type of gliche or non-working function. The Blackberry can just continue to improve and learn from the issues they experience. As smartphones become the only cell phone available the price to purchase and repair will decline, like most new gadgets.